Dear team member, Client and Supplier,In response to the Novel CoronaVirus COVID-19, Cork supply Australia and Studio Labels have reviewed key operational processes to ensure a continued secure supply chain to our clients as well and introducing proactive health guidelines to mitigate/ prevent contamination across our staff, suppliers and clients. As a result of this review we have implemented the following:
additional raw material and stock items are to be held at our warehouse and across the supply chain;
Remote access to our systems from relevant staff in case there is the need to stay home. Our key systems and databases are mostly cloud based;
Limited movement and contact within our premises. Where possible try to maintain the recommend safe distance of 1.5metre from one another.
Work from home where possible/applicable;
Our sales team will limit physical contact where appropriate;
Any International travelling has been suspended;
Domestic travel will also be suspended unless absolutely necessary;
We will limit, within reason, external visitors to our premises. In case visits are unavoidable please ensure minimal contact, ensure minimal movement and keep the recommended safe distance.
Hand washing and use of hand sanitizer at work;
Frequent sanitizing of public spaces such as door handles, bathrooms, kitchens and public use areas;
adherence to a ‘don’t feel ok - stay away’ policy;
We will also adhere to and respect our client’s and suppliers policies in relation to this matter.
Although responsibly aware of the gravity of the situation, we are also confident this crisis is being adequately handled by the appropriate authorities and, at some point ,we will see it receding and eventually become under control.
In the meantime we will continue to do everything we can to support our staff, clients and suppliers to ensure we can all be safe with the least disruption possible, under the circumstances.
We are vigilant and monitoring the situation in real time and responding rapidly as conditions evolve. We will adhere to official recommendations from the WHO and the Australian Government as they become available.
Please be safe and stay healthy